Monday, February 24, 2014

The Ride


Sitting in a soccer referee course I was teaching, I listened to my colleague talk about Law 11 - Offside and my mind drifted to cycling. We were using my laptop to project the material and, at lunch break, I was showing some students pictures from my trips to France.

As I was thinking about cycling, I remembered reading about a woman who turned 60 and rode 50 centuries in 50 states in 50 days. I remembered reading about a man whose goal was to ride an organized century in every state, over his lifetime. At least I know it's possible. And if I did it I would do better - 51 centuries in 51 days in 50 states plus the District of Columbia.

So instead of thinking of second to last defender or the ball whichever is closer to the goal line, I was thinking about logistics and weather. I even found a site of a guy who visited all 50 states in one week to think about routing.

I don't want to simply ride for myself but for a cause. Livestrong? Probably too big to be involved with me. Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults? I would if I was in the 15-40 year-old range but this trip will coincide with my 60th birthday. Maybe Spokes of Hope.

Ideally I would love to ride for (against!) pediatric cancer. But that's not my story, Mine is prostate cancer. Diagnosed at 53 years old, I am best able to speak about prostate cancer. Few probably became as educated as I did about the disease and the treatments.

The organizations I most likely would reach out to (in no order) are:

I envision a cancer organization would sponsor me. They would brand and promote me and in return, all donations would go to their organization. I would ask that they cover my expenses but I would be responsible if expenses exceeded donations. I doubt that would happen (not cover expenses) because I travel on the cheap.

If Kenny Livingston (Kenny Doit) can Do It, so can I.

Ride Date: Spring-Summer 2015

What do you think? Inspirational? Stupid idea? Too much?

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